You & Your Clients Work Securely from Anywhere
The Security Challenge of Law Firms…
Law firms have both ethical and legal obligations to protect client data, but the measures required to do so in today’s climate of cyber attacks can be daunting even for large firms. Most systems used to produce Family Law court filings and reports store client data locally on your computer.
- How does your firm secure machines that store confidential client data in your office?
- Do you permit laptops and phones with client data to leave the office?
- How often does your IT department do backups?
- What is your plan for disaster or system failure?
- How does your IT department secure your access and network?
- Do you use secure transfer protocols for client information and documents via email, or across your company’s network?
- Do all of your clients have physical privacy from their spouses for storing confidential paper documents and matter information on their computers?
It’s no wonder small and large firms alike are using secure online applications, leaving all that heavy lifting to software companies like DivorceHelp123 who are qualified and committed to the challenge of security.
Learn how DivorceHelp123 helps Family Law firms safeguard their clients’ confidential information in our security white paper, DivorceHelp123 Security: Data Protection and Confidential Computing.
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Work Anywhere with Peace of Mind
- How secure are your computers in your office?
- The need to work remotely has become increasingly important since the pandemic… How do you keep confidential data stored on laptops secure when they leave the office?
- How do your clients keep paper forms they need to complete private from their spouses? Are the forms completed and stored on their computers safe from their spouses?
Most systems that are used to collect confidential client data and produce Family Law court filings and reports are vulnerable to data theft because they are paper based or are stored locally on computers.
FamilyLaw.DivorceHelp123 is a paperless system. It is a web application so all client and matter data is entered and stored on our servers… NOT your clients’ or your computers. That means you and your clients can work remotely with peace of mind that confidential data won’t get into the wrong hands.
123 applications and data are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers in their world-class secure data centers. Data is encrypted with several modern algorithms such as AES so — even if a malicious hacker somehow out-maneuvers AWS — the data would be impossible to consume.
Learn more about howDivorceHelp123 provides physical and digital data protection in our security white paper, DivorceHelp123 Security: Data Protection and Confidential Computing.
Protection from Disasters, Failures, and Mistakes
- What is your firm’s plan if a natural disaster destroys files located in your office?
- What would you do if your computer or server gets infected with a virus, or otherwise crashes, and you cannot recover the data?
- How do you recover data that was mistakenly deleted or changed?
Most systems used to collect confidential client data and produce Family Law court filings and reports are vulnerable to data corruption, machine disasters, and irrecoverable mistakes because they are paper based or are stored locally on computers.
With 123, all court documents and client reports are dynamically generated. That means that all the time, effort, and cost you and your clients put into entering data and configuring documents and reports is safely in the hands of DivorceHelp123‘s state of the art technologies and protocols around redundancies and backups.

123 uses three servers, all AWS RDS and located in low risk zones, separating website and web application dev and production environments to reduce risk. DivorceHelp123 utilizes AWS’ built-in firewalls & other boundary devices, Identity & Access Management (IAM) for Admin Access, and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for a private subnet. DivorceHelp123 does backups of our production database every 5 minutes and keeps a history of these backups for 15 days.
Learn more about how DivorceHelp123 provides data protection, redundancy, and backups in our security white paper, DivorceHelp123 Security: Data Protection and Confidential Computing.
Invest Your Time & Money in Your Law Practice, not IT
The security climate is becoming more and more complex as cyber threats mount. Integrous online software companies invest in software engineer training and dedicated resources to implement state of the art security protocols and keep on top of the latest threats and mitigations.
Even very large law firms are moving towards secure online solutions because they realize they simply do not have the expertise necessary to achieve the level of security required to maintain local systems. And… it is cost prohibitive to obtain such resources.
Law firms are increasingly realizing that it makes sense to outsource the demands of security to qualified online software companies and focus their time and money, instead, on their own law practices.
Learn more about how DivorceHelp123 mitigates today’s web vulnerabilities and so much more in our security white paper, DivorceHelp123 Security: Data Protection and Confidential Computing.
Firms with Online Software Eased into Remote Services Mandated by COVID without Effort
Remote services have always been a need in Family Law…
- Parents with young children struggle to find and pay for child care
- 21st Century clients are accustomed to intuitive remote services and think the cost, time, and effort to of most in-person appointments are unnecessary and reinforce their distrust in lawyers
- Busy, modern clients don’t understand why they would need to take time off work when remote services are readily available
…COVID has brought this need to the forefront
123’s Founder and CEO has been asking 123 customers about their transition to more remote services. Their response was that it was a non-issue. Firms that use online services such as 123 cannot comprehend the difficulties that firms using traditional software (and maintaining secure computing protocols) have had to negotiate during this pandemic.
COVID-19 has forever changed the expectations of individuals and businesses.
123 has helped law firms stay relevant to their clients for over ten years… giving yesterday’s and today’s clients the easiest possible experience during a difficult life event. 123 is not new at this. We take the confidentiality and security of your clients’ data extremely seriously. With decades of combined experience in web applications, we know what we are doing.
More Value from 123
Financial Statement
Separate Property
Asset Distribution
Child Support & Spousal Maintenance
Different Child Primary Offset
Certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Service
Easy Step-by-Step Process for your Clients
Every Day Language your Clients Understand
Help Along the Way
123 Does the heavy Lifting
Your Time is Spent Doing Most Effective Work
More Automation = More Efficiency
Mantain Complete Control
What-if Scenario Comparison: Sell or Keep Family Home, QDRO 401K
Show Decision Maker the Parties’ Final Proposals Side-by-Side
Child Support: Parenting Time, Income & Expenses Scenarios
What-if Scenario Comparison: How will Different Parenting Schedules affect Child Support
What-if Scenario Comparisons: How will Variable Income affect Child Support?
Show Decision Maker the Retroactive Child Support Periods
What-if Scenario Comparison: Sell or Keep Family Home, QDRO 401K
Earn the Loyalty of Clients who Return and Refer Their Contacts
Reduce the Effort Level of the Typical Divorce Process
Convert More Consultations into Paying Clients
Make Intake Forms and Financial Disclosures Easier
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